Collaborations & Shenanigans

I have been fortunate enough to work with some amazing people during my literary adventures. Please see below to check out their work and some of our joint projects.


WORK IN PROGRESS (please pardon my mess)

Click here to read the first chapter of The Dragon in the Whites!

Audiobook Narrators

After their fail

Click here to read the first chapter of Washington's Dragon Hunter!


I like to document my writing adventures and mini painting, provide free book readings, and share other fun projects going on in my life. Take a look, watch some videos, and subscribe if that's your thing.

3D Printing

I love to 3D print anything that's fun and 'could' be useful around the house... so I mostly make toys and wargaming terrain. We have 2x Prusa 3D FDM printers in the house and keep them running. Check out my Printables page to see what we've come up with.


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